Overseeing the Water Resources of Loudoun County, VA |
TMDL Total Maximum Daily Load - This is a term EPA initiated many years ago in trying to figure out how much pollution can be tolerated in our waters. It is generally recognized that our waterways can assimilate some amount of pollution without significant degradation to living organism or our use of the water.We often see the term "TMDL Stream" being used incorrectly. What is likely intended is "Impaired" Stream" or as more recently termed: "dirty water". When we hear that a stream in Loudoun has a TMDL, this means two things. First, it means that the stream has been assessed (monitored) and listed as impaired. Second, is that an engineering report has been prepared and approved which describes how much the pollution must be reduced in order that the water may at some future date be "cleansed" and meet water quality standards. The TMDL report does not provide the means by which to restore the stream. There are 5 TMDL's in Loudoun County. You can search https://www.deq.virginia.gov/TMDLDataSearch/ReportSearch.jspx, but also look for Bull Run which borders Prince William County and is not listed under Loudoun County. In 2011 DEQ is preparing a bacteria TMDL for several tributaries to the Potomac River including Sugarland Run. Future TMDL reports in Loudoun are scheduled to be prepared in 2016, 2018 and 2020. |
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