The 2009 Loudoun County Stream Assessment Project

In early 2009, Loudoun County contracted with an environmental consulting firm to have assessments conducted on streams in the county as part of the Water Resources Monitoring Program.

The stream assessment project provides information on the general health of the streams and also identify the extent of perennial streams (those having flows all or most of the time versus intermittent streams that have flows only after rainfall or during wet periods). The project was partially funded by a grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and was completed in October 2009.

The county's stream assessment strategy includes reviewing and incorporating, where possible, information collected during previous stream assessments.

The data from this project compliments and will be used to integrate with other stream monitoring activities within the county to help provide a better understanding of the conditions of the county's streams.

For information go to or call 703-777-0220.

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